Monday, February 9, 2015

Office 2016 Consumer Technical Preview opens up to everyone

If you were eager to get in on Microsoft's technical preview for its Office suite, it looks like now is your chance. Participation in the preview was originally limited to those who received an invite, however it appears to be open to the public as of today, albeit still under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
All you have to do to give it a shot is head over to the source link below and click the "join" button in the row for Microsoft Office Consumer Technical Preview. After an initial sign-up process, you should be able to download the latest Office preview software.

Be aware that while the preview is downloadable by anyone who signs up, you are still required to sign an NDA. However, once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be off and testing the January build of the Office 2016 Consumer Technical Preview, along with the lovely new dark theme pictured above.
Source: Microsoft; via Neowin

Friday, November 28, 2014

Top 5 features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 release has many new and improved features, which presents great improvements in how we can utilize the platform better. The updates will enable marketers to plan and execute marketing campaigns better, track impact, and strengthen collaborations with the sales process.
Customers today have higher expectations from businesses and to meet these needs, it’s mandatory to collaborate and bring in solutions which will help to reduce the gap between divisions which work towards customer satisfaction.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 is set to release in Q4 2014 (December). And as we studied the new release, we realized there are a few features which will bring about a change, in the good sense, for all users.

Product Families

  • Suggestions: Cross – selling or up- selling requires related product linkages, or formation of product families. Opportunity and customer records can help sales professionals bring in better conversion/customer when products are correctly categorized
  • Bundling: Products can be bundled and offered as packages, for discounts and offers
  • Regional pricelist: Products can be bundled and offered as packages, based on regional requirements and assessments
  • Product properties: Increased number of parameters for a product. Though these can be achieved through customizations in Dynamics CRM 2013, product properties will give more flexibility in various in-house processes
  • Import/Export products: Configuration migration tool, introduced in Dynamics CRM 2013 has been improved to support product migrations in Dynamics CRM 2015

Guided Sales Process

  • Further improves the business processes introduced in Dynamics CRM 2013 to enable organization implement complex business processes
  • Conditional branching has brought about more specificity to business processes
  • As compared to the wizard in Dynamics CRM 2013, Dynamics CRM 2015 offers custom programming options bringing in the possibility of implementing complex business logics

Mobile Enhancements

  • Offline draft capabilities on mobile devices which are synced when the user is back online
  • All dashboards are available on tablets

Case Management

  • Different Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to bring in flexible support and service requirements
  • Pause and Resume SLAs to track time efficiently through system settings
  • Track and analyze each key metrics and individual SLA


  • With the new release, search within Dynamics CRM 2015 will be simpler and will allow for the usage of asterisks as wildcard characters
  • Search is customizable and configurable. The search can be across multiple record types.
  • Search can be configured on specific fields of preferred entities, improving search performance
One of the smaller (for now), enhancement which has been brought in, is Cortana on Windows Phone 8.1 devices, using which, users will be able to talk to the customer relationship management suite. Setting up meetings/reminders, searching contacts, accounts or activities, creating new records, etc. will be a breeze using Cortana.
All the features which have been added to Dynamics CRM 2015 suite is in line with the push by Microsoft to ensure the system is simple to use, and works to streamline the life of its users. Microsoft is also continuing to expand its global availability. 17 countries were being serviced till last August, and with this release, Microsoft announced it has added another 17 countries to Dynamics CRM Online’s roster, making it available in over 65 markets.
Nalashaa has been pioneering in various Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation and we offer a fixed price CRM upgrade for customers who would like to upgrade their system to Dynamics CRM 2013. Know more about our Microsoft Dynamics CRM works.
Contact us for further queries on Dynamics CRM implementation or Support.

Rozgar Pakistan: Pakistan’s First Online Marketplace For Freelancers and Recruiters

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is now a $150 billion industry, growing at 6% per year according to a report. Online workplaces and freelance market places have completely changed the recruitment dynamics around the world. Pakistan, being one of the most important emerging markets from Asia, has colossal talent and substantial contributions to the freelance industry.
However, the need for a local platform like oDesk or Elance has always been felt and there is an interesting new service which might fill this void. It is called Rozgar Pakistan and it is using the model of well established freelance services.
To get started with the service, you sign up as either a “Freelancer” or an “Employer”.

Freelancer accounts can be linked with “Companies”. Company name and description will appear with the credentials of the freelancer in a GIG. Freelancers can also “Add Services” by specifying the exact details about the offered GIG. Once you publish the service, you will be notified via SMS that your GIG is live now.

Employers On Rozgar Pakistan

Employers can sift through different categories of Rozgar Pakistan and search offered services from different freelancers. There is a diverse range of categories like WordPress, Web Development, Virtual Assistant, Blogging, Apps etc.

Payment System and Fee

Rozgar Pakistan uses an “Escrow Funding” mode. An employer can fund the escrow at the start of the job. The service claims that the funds are released at the choice of employer, when the job is completed. The service also claims that payments are 100% secure. Freelancers can receive money in PKR in their accounts via Wire Transfer payment method.
What is surprising for me is that the company deducts $8 per wire transfer. That does not include 3.75% deduction from each package that is finalized. So let’s say you have done a deal of $100. At the end, you will get around $88 in hand. That is more than what should be charged for a local service.


Disputes can be filed in case of problems between freelancers and employers. Rozgar Pakistan will ask the freelancer to produce the proof for the dispute. All disputes are solved within 4 days after filing according to the service.

Problems With Rozgar Pakistan Platform

The website lacks portfolio management and clarity. Almost all the freelancer profiles I saw had no rating. Most of them were incomplete profiles, having no or very little information. But we are hoping that this will change with time as more data will be populated along the days to come.
One of the major flaws of Rozgar Pakistan is the one sided recruitment model. If I am an employer and want to put a job description with an offer on my own terms, Rozgar Pakistan seems to have no option to take care of this. An employer will have to sift through all the services painstakingly, negotiate and ask for specific details to match their requirements. However, this is something that is promised in future updates.
Another very confusing thing is that Rogzar Pakistan states that buyers will have to use “PayPal” service to buy any GIG. Yep, PayPal isn’t yet available in Pakistan. The whole concept for a local service goes out of the window if you are alienating local buyers. We hope this is fixed fast otherwise the venture is doomed to fail.


Rozgar Pakistan is a step in the right direction. Pakistan badly needs recruitment ventures like these in order to integrate open marketplace trends of the world. Local freelance hubs are a nascent market and Rozgar Pakistan has the chance to be get a foothold in the field but they have plenty of issues to sort out before that happens. You can visit the site here.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Top 4 SEO Tips for 2013 which can help you to increase visitor

Using SEO tips for your web page can drive your web page positions with the world wide web looking resources, create action to your post, and helps you to end up being known to the Online world. So how does this work? What sort of things is involved with getting your source saw by an incredible number people? Genuinely, its no secret at all, however persevering sticking to brings identify via internet looking resources to provide their customers significant results of a desire. Here we will talk about four SEO specifications that provide you support in seo optimization in 2013.
Top 4 SEO Tips for 2013 which can help you to increase visitor are as Follows:

Unique material and use of phrases

SEO article writing is one of the key elements of SEO. For an enhanced SEO material there should be appropriate use of search phrases and keywords. But the search in google will not with search phrases. A appropriate balance of search phrases is necessary for brilliant and enhanced material. For best results SEO search phrases should be used in titles, titles and explanations. Also the material should be short and to the point. Users prefer to read material that is loaded with information and this will increase the consumer experience of any particular site.

Add alternate text for images

Make sure that your pictures utilize the ALT tag or if you are using a cms like WordPress, add a information. Google cannot see pictures, so explaining the pictures will allow them to be grabbed.

Broaden Your Promotion Strategies

It’s about a chance to think about creating and applying promotion techniques, rather than just considering them a technique to accomplish your objectives. Better execution of promotion is something that you make and believe in. It will help you to obtain a client for lifestyle. Start your new season with powerful solutions and think difficult about what you do and why is should be respected. Its recommended to discuss to individuals with skills and also with those who are outside of the promotion groups. Discover out what your business’s USP and money on it to obtain and maintain customer.

Video SEO optimization in 2013

Lot of companies and websites are just starting to recognize their potential in being distributed.  Sometimes people just do not feel like studying an article. describes why a lot of press information websites now couple their online articles with an included movie.  Also, when scrolling through a social social networking site, most audiences are more willing to watch videos clip based rather than reading large articles.
Last but not the least i recommend you to follow the basics of seo and you will do wonder don’t waste your time in black hat techniques that can penalize your Blog and one phrase which  i use for Google is “Love Google will love you back”
Now come up with your comments and suggestion as those really boost me up to write good articles…

Monday, April 1, 2013

how to fill menu dynamically in from database

  Query = "select * from tblCategory ";
            DataTable dtSubCat = GetDataTable(Query);

            foreach (DataRow drSubCat in dtSubCat.Rows)
                string MText, MValue, MToolTip, MImageUrl, MNavigateUrl;

                MText = drSubCat["SubCatName"].ToString();
                MValue = drSubCat["Value"].ToString();
                MImageUrl = drSubCat["ImgUrl"].ToString();
                MNavigateUrl = drSubCat["NavigateUrl"].ToString();
                MToolTip = drSubCat["ToolTip"].ToString();

                MenuItem Mi = new MenuItem();
                Mi.Text = MText;
                Mi.Value = MValue;
                Mi.ToolTip = MToolTip;
                Mi.ImageUrl = MImageUrl;
                Mi.NavigateUrl = MNavigateUrl;
                Mi.SeparatorImageUrl = "";


public DataTable GetDataTable(string Query)

        SqlConnection objCon = new SqlConnection("your Connect String");
        SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand(Query, objCon);

        SqlDataAdapter objDA = new SqlDataAdapter(objCmd);

        objDA.SelectCommand.CommandText = objCmd.CommandText.ToString();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable("Table");
        return dt;


Edit Grid at runtime in

First You Make one item Template To Show Data and One Edit Item Template enable editing in grid view  like this
< asp: TemplateField HeaderText="Sub Department"

This line will Show Textbox at the place of label
 GridViewPP.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
complete code :
Protected Sub GridViewPP_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridViewPP.RowEditing
GridViewPP.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
QRY = "SELECT SubDepartment.SubDepartment_ID,SubDepartment.Department_ID, Department.DepartmentDescription,SubDepartment.SubDepartment_Description, Employee.UserName AS CreatedBy,Employee_1.UserName AS ModifyBy, SubDepartment.CreatedOn,SubDepartment.ModifyOn FROM Department RIGHT OUTER JOIN Employee RIGHT OUTER JOIN SubDepartment LEFT OUTER JOIN Employee AS Employee_1 ON SubDepartment.ModifyBy = Employee_1.UserID ON Employee.UserID = SubDepartment.CreatedBy ON Department.DepartmentID = SubDepartment.Department_ID"

This Query show all data in gridview and textbox as there you want to update data
end sub

Now on Update Button in GridView
Protected Sub GridViewPP_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles GridViewPP.RowUpdating
Dim row As GridViewRow = CType(GridViewPP.Rows(e.RowIndex), GridViewRow)
Dim subDept As Label = CType(row.FindControl("lblsubDeptID"), Label)
Dim subDeptDesc As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("txtSubDeptDesc"), TextBox)
pass Subdept and subDeptDesc in the update Query Like this
QRY = "Update SubDepartment Set SubDepartment_Description='" & subDeptDesc.Text & "',ModifyOn='" & datetime & "',ModifyBy='" & Session("UserID") & "' where SubDepartment_ID=" & subDept.Text

You can update data at runtime in grid view .

Thursday, March 28, 2013

How to lock down your Android and lock out malware

Have you ever thought about all the personal information stored on your smartphone or tablet?
I mean, really thought about everything you save so that it's always at your fingertips? 
Then think about how well protected that information is.
You may not care if your list of favorite wines goes public, but what if someone were to copy your spouse’s driver’s license and Social Security numbers?
Millions of people have such data stored in their smartphones or tablets. Because mobile devices are so easy to lose or have stolen, all data on them is at substantial risk.
With Android devices, there's additional danger. They've been plagued by shoddy security and malicious apps.
Cybercrooks are getting bolder and more creative with those apps every day. Just as you think you're one step ahead of the crooks, they come up with a new way to steal your personal information.
That’s why it's vital for every Android user to learn how to lock down and protect his or her device.
Keep out the digital thievesRight now, malicious apps, which often pretend to be cheaper versions of popular apps or games, are the No. 1 risk for Android devices.
"Malicious applications targeted for Android devices [have] increased between 400 to 1,000 percent in the past 18 to 24 months," said Jerry Irvine, chief information officer of Prescient Solutions in Schaumburg, Ill.
"These malicious applications perform multiple tasks, but share one common goal — to attain the personal information on these mobile devices and push it out to criminal entities."
Malware can also be installed on an Android device in other ways, such as through websites, emails, text messages or even NFC (near-field communication) file transfers.
To best protect your phone from malware, Irvine said, download anti-virus and malware-scanning apps designed for Android devices.
Most of the better known anti-virus software companies have security apps available. Chances are you can stick with the brand you like best.
Be sure to upgrade the anti-virus software when prompted, since new malware is being released every day.
And the human onesBut malware isn't the only threat to the personal data on your smartphone or tablet. If the device is lost or stolen, the data's in someone else's hands.
You should consider installing a security product that regularly backs up the data on your device to a cloud-storage service — and also has a location detector and the ability to remotely wipe personal data if the device is gone for good.
The first line of defense, however, is to protect your device with a PIN, password or pattern lock. That way, no one can randomly pick it up and start checking your email.
"Passwords and PIN configurations on mobile devices can be configured to entirely wipe the device if the password is not entered correctly within a specific number of times," Irvine said.
"The security should be configured.  Strong passwords of eight or more characters should be used because they make it much harder to crack the password."
Keep your password, PIN or lock pattern truly secret by regularly wiping your device's screen clean. Repeated finger gestures will smear the glass, leaving smudge patterns that can tip off a thief.
Theft of smartphones and tablets is on the rise. Thieves have been known to swipe phones out of the hands of users who were still talking.
While these thieves may be primarily interested in the street value of the device, your unprotected data is always going to be at risk.
Considering how we use our smartphones and tablets (and got rid of address books and other tools that held our vital numbers), it's futile to recommend keeping all personally identifiable information off our gadgets.
Instead, keep the amount of such information on your device to a minimum, and make sure your phone has multiple layers of security.

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