Sunday, January 10, 2010

Abstract machines

Abstract machines. Modern computers are capable of performing a wide variety of computations. An abstract machine reads in an input string, and, depending on the input, outputs true (accept), outputs false (reject), or gets stuck in an infinite loop and outputs nothing. We say that a machine recognizes a particular language, if it outputs true for any input string in the language and false otherwise. The artificial restriction to such decision problems is purely for notational convenience. Virtually all computational problems can be recast as language recognition problems. For example, to determine whether an integer 97 is prime, we can ask whether 97 is in the language consisting of all primes {2, 3, 5, 7, 13, ... } or to determine the decimal expansion of the mathematical constant π we can ask whether 7 is the 100th digit of π and so on.

We would like to be able to formally compare different classes of abstract machines in order to address questions like Is a Mac more powerful than a PC? Can Java do more things than C++? To accomplish this, we define a notion of power. We say that machine A is at least as powerful as machine B if machine A can be "programmed'" to recognize all of the languages that B can. Machine A is more powerful than B, if in addition, it can be programmed to recognize at least one additional language. Two machines are equivalent if they can be programmed to recognize precisely the same set of languages. Using this definition of power, we will classify several fundamental machines. Naturally, we are interested in designing the most powerful computer, i.e., the one that can solve the widest range of language recognition problems. Note that our notion of power does not say anything about how fast a computation can be done. Instead, it reflects a more fundamental notion of whether or not it is even possible to perform some computation in a finite number of steps.

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