Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Array is a very good example of how simple structures combine together to form a composite structure or type. (Composite data types are those that are made of other data types/structure).
An array is defined as a:
• List of values
• All of same type
• Individual elements identified by an index
• Variable holds the address of first element in the list
In the declaration of array an integer is passed which specifies the size of array. Whereas while using the array an integer is passed that indicates the index from which the value should be fetched. Indexes start from zero
Implementation of Array:
In memory arrays are allocated as contiguous blocks. As mentioned that for accessing individual elements it is required to pass an index. This index value multiplied by size of each block is then added to the address of first element of array in order to obtain the address of a particular block.
Multi-dimensional arrays
Arrays can have more dimensions, in which case they might be declared as:-
int results_2d[20][5];
int results_3d[20][5][3];
Each index has its own set of square brackets.
It is useful in describing an object that is physically two-dimensional, such as a map or a checkerboard. It is also useful in organizing a set of values that are dependent upon two (or more) inputs.

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