Monday, January 11, 2010

Designing APIs

Designing APIs. Often the most important and most challenging step in building software is designing the APIs. In many ways, designing good programs is more challenging that writing the code itself. Takes practice, careful deliberation, and many iterations.
Specification problem. Document the API in English. Clearly articulate behavior for all possible inputs, including side effects. "Write to specification." Difficult problem. Many bugs introduced because programmer didn't correctly understand description of API. See booksite for information on automatic documentation using Javadoc.
Wide interfaces. "API should do one thing and do it well." "APIs should be as small as possible, but no smaller." "When in doubt, leave it out." (It's easy to add methods to an existing API, but you can never remove them without breaking existing clients.) APIs with lots of bloat are known as wide interfaces. Supply all necessary operations, but no more. Try to make methods orthogonal in functionality. No need for a method in Complex that adds three complex numbers since there is a method that adds two. The Math library includes methods for sin(), cos(), and tan(), but not sec().

Java libraries tend to have wide interfaces (some designed by pros, some by committee). Sometimes this seems to be the right thing, e.g., String. Although, sometimes you end up with poorly designed APIs that you have to live with forever.
Deprecated methods. Sometimes you end up with deprecated methods that are no longer fully supported, but you still need to keep them or break backward compatibility. Once Java included a method Character.isSpace(), programmers wrote programs that relied on its behavior. Later, they wanted to change the method to support additional Unicode whitespace characters. Can't change the behavior of isSpace() or that would break many programs. Instead, add a new method Character.isWhiteSpace() and "deprecate" the old method. The API is now more confusing than needed.

Almost all methods in java.util.Date are deprecated in favor of java.util.GregorianCalendar.

Backward compatibility. The need for backward compatibility shapes much of the way things are done today (from operating systems to programming languages to ...). [Insert a story.]

Standards. It is easy to understand why writing to an API is so important by considering other domains. Fax machines, radio, MPEG-4, MP3 files, PDF files, HTML, etc. Simpler to use a common standard. Lack of incompatibilities enables business opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. One of the challenges of writing software is making it portable so that it works on a variety of operating systems including Windows, OS X, and Linux. Java Virtual Machine enables portability of Java across platforms.

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