Friday, April 5, 2013

Top 4 SEO Tips for 2013 which can help you to increase visitor

Using SEO tips for your web page can drive your web page positions with the world wide web looking resources, create action to your post, and helps you to end up being known to the Online world. So how does this work? What sort of things is involved with getting your source saw by an incredible number people? Genuinely, its no secret at all, however persevering sticking to brings identify via internet looking resources to provide their customers significant results of a desire. Here we will talk about four SEO specifications that provide you support in seo optimization in 2013.
Top 4 SEO Tips for 2013 which can help you to increase visitor are as Follows:

Unique material and use of phrases

SEO article writing is one of the key elements of SEO. For an enhanced SEO material there should be appropriate use of search phrases and keywords. But the search in google will not with search phrases. A appropriate balance of search phrases is necessary for brilliant and enhanced material. For best results SEO search phrases should be used in titles, titles and explanations. Also the material should be short and to the point. Users prefer to read material that is loaded with information and this will increase the consumer experience of any particular site.

Add alternate text for images

Make sure that your pictures utilize the ALT tag or if you are using a cms like WordPress, add a information. Google cannot see pictures, so explaining the pictures will allow them to be grabbed.

Broaden Your Promotion Strategies

It’s about a chance to think about creating and applying promotion techniques, rather than just considering them a technique to accomplish your objectives. Better execution of promotion is something that you make and believe in. It will help you to obtain a client for lifestyle. Start your new season with powerful solutions and think difficult about what you do and why is should be respected. Its recommended to discuss to individuals with skills and also with those who are outside of the promotion groups. Discover out what your business’s USP and money on it to obtain and maintain customer.

Video SEO optimization in 2013

Lot of companies and websites are just starting to recognize their potential in being distributed.  Sometimes people just do not feel like studying an article. describes why a lot of press information websites now couple their online articles with an included movie.  Also, when scrolling through a social social networking site, most audiences are more willing to watch videos clip based rather than reading large articles.
Last but not the least i recommend you to follow the basics of seo and you will do wonder don’t waste your time in black hat techniques that can penalize your Blog and one phrase which  i use for Google is “Love Google will love you back”
Now come up with your comments and suggestion as those really boost me up to write good articles…

Monday, April 1, 2013

how to fill menu dynamically in from database

  Query = "select * from tblCategory ";
            DataTable dtSubCat = GetDataTable(Query);

            foreach (DataRow drSubCat in dtSubCat.Rows)
                string MText, MValue, MToolTip, MImageUrl, MNavigateUrl;

                MText = drSubCat["SubCatName"].ToString();
                MValue = drSubCat["Value"].ToString();
                MImageUrl = drSubCat["ImgUrl"].ToString();
                MNavigateUrl = drSubCat["NavigateUrl"].ToString();
                MToolTip = drSubCat["ToolTip"].ToString();

                MenuItem Mi = new MenuItem();
                Mi.Text = MText;
                Mi.Value = MValue;
                Mi.ToolTip = MToolTip;
                Mi.ImageUrl = MImageUrl;
                Mi.NavigateUrl = MNavigateUrl;
                Mi.SeparatorImageUrl = "";


public DataTable GetDataTable(string Query)

        SqlConnection objCon = new SqlConnection("your Connect String");
        SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand(Query, objCon);

        SqlDataAdapter objDA = new SqlDataAdapter(objCmd);

        objDA.SelectCommand.CommandText = objCmd.CommandText.ToString();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable("Table");
        return dt;


Edit Grid at runtime in

First You Make one item Template To Show Data and One Edit Item Template enable editing in grid view  like this
< asp: TemplateField HeaderText="Sub Department"

This line will Show Textbox at the place of label
 GridViewPP.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
complete code :
Protected Sub GridViewPP_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs) Handles GridViewPP.RowEditing
GridViewPP.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex
QRY = "SELECT SubDepartment.SubDepartment_ID,SubDepartment.Department_ID, Department.DepartmentDescription,SubDepartment.SubDepartment_Description, Employee.UserName AS CreatedBy,Employee_1.UserName AS ModifyBy, SubDepartment.CreatedOn,SubDepartment.ModifyOn FROM Department RIGHT OUTER JOIN Employee RIGHT OUTER JOIN SubDepartment LEFT OUTER JOIN Employee AS Employee_1 ON SubDepartment.ModifyBy = Employee_1.UserID ON Employee.UserID = SubDepartment.CreatedBy ON Department.DepartmentID = SubDepartment.Department_ID"

This Query show all data in gridview and textbox as there you want to update data
end sub

Now on Update Button in GridView
Protected Sub GridViewPP_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles GridViewPP.RowUpdating
Dim row As GridViewRow = CType(GridViewPP.Rows(e.RowIndex), GridViewRow)
Dim subDept As Label = CType(row.FindControl("lblsubDeptID"), Label)
Dim subDeptDesc As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("txtSubDeptDesc"), TextBox)
pass Subdept and subDeptDesc in the update Query Like this
QRY = "Update SubDepartment Set SubDepartment_Description='" & subDeptDesc.Text & "',ModifyOn='" & datetime & "',ModifyBy='" & Session("UserID") & "' where SubDepartment_ID=" & subDept.Text

You can update data at runtime in grid view .